Monday, October 6, 2008


I have to say that I’m so proud of Wyatte. We have been trying to potty train him for over a year. Now that he is 4 I’ve been wondering if he would get it before he starts kindergarten next year. We have been trying to put him in underwear in the evenings until he has an accident. The pull- ups are no help. All of a sudden it clicked.

Wyatte has wore underwear since Saturday morning. He even wore them to daycare today without an accident. Yes that is 72 hours without any accidents!!! Maybe we finally got it (we’ll keep our fingers crossed).

1 comment:

Kassey said...

That is the best day, when you no longer have to change diapers! I am right there with you. Kambree has been potty trained for a few weeks and the freedom is great!