Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wyatte's 1st day of school

Today was Wyatte's first day of preschool. He is attending the same preschool as last year. This year he excited to be in the "Blue room" instead of the "Orange room". He wasn't too picky about his clothes today, luckily for me. He was excited that he was going to ride the bus and he had to bring some Kung Fu Panda fruit snacks in case he was starving.


Amanda said...

HOW HANDSOME!!! He looks so cute! I really miss him and Terra! Maybe we'll see them soon. I love the railing; it looks so good.

Amanda Russ said...

He needs his hair cut but I ran out of time. His spikes are pretty long. Hayley has now joined the "bloggers". She uploaded pictures on her blog of theirs so you'll have to check out what they've done. I'm going to see if it would work to come out Sept 27-30. Would that work?

Amanda said...

Let me check my schedule . . . Just kidding, I've got nothing going on. Come whenever works for you!